April 09, 2021
Quit Fearing: American organization said, the risk of spreading corona from the surface is very low
Quit Fearing: American organization said, the risk of spreading corona from the surface is very low
America's Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that the fear of spreading corona from the surface is extremely low or nil. The institution says that about one in ten thousand cases occurs in which corona infection occurs from the surface.
New Delhi. The second wave of Corona epidemic (Covid-19 Second Wave) has become worrying in the country at this time. Meanwhile, once again people have started insisting on sanitization of things used in the home. The process of sanitization of elevators in metros is also being accelerated. But the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that the fear of spreading corona from the surface is very low or nonexistent. The institution says that about one in ten thousand cases occur in which the corona infection spreads from the surface.
It is believed that this information given by the CDC may have a global impact. In the midst of the corona epidemic, the process of sanitization has been going on regularly in places like hotel rooms, offices, schools, public transport and restaurants all over the world. The corona is believed to be present on the surface and can infect. Research has also been conducted on the timing of corona virus survival on many surfaces including mobiles, elevators, other metals.
Corona virus on the surface can also infect people, but its rate is very low
Rochelle Valensky, director of the CDC, says that corona virus on the surface can also infect people, but its rate is extremely low. The CDC guidelines state that the main root of the spread of SARS Covid virus is not surface. This virus is most often spread by direct contact.
America is the most affected country in the world from Corona Virus
's worst-affected country is noteworthy that the US corona virus. Last year, America was so badly affected by the Corona virus that the country's economic and health systems came under tremendous pressure. Outgoing President Donald Trump was also severely criticized for his negligence against Corona.
America is the most affected country in the world from Corona Virus
's worst-affected country is noteworthy that the US corona virus. Last year, America was so badly affected by the Corona virus that the country's economic and health systems came under tremendous pressure. Outgoing President Donald Trump was also severely criticized for his negligence against Corona.