April 09, 2021
Corona's new strain is more dangerous than before, know new symptoms of Covid
In India, there were 1,00,000 Covid-19 cases a day in September 2020, which suddenly began to subside by January. After which 10,000 new cases were seen in one day. At the same time, the number of corona cases started increasing again from February. Now more than one lakh cases are being reported again in a day. Corona cases have seen a rapid rise in India, and our country is the second to do so.
In India, 1,26,789 new cases of Corona Voice were recorded on Thursday, which is the highest ever. About 59,907 cases have been reported in Maharashtra and 10,310 cases in Chhattisgarh. On Wednesday, 5,506 new cases of corona virus infection were reported in Delhi, which is the highest number of one day this year.
The central government has said that the coming four weeks are very important for the country to control the epidemic. Experts have expressed concern that the second wave of corona virus is more severe than the first.
Symptoms of second wave of covid-19
According to the researchers, with the second wave of covid-19, there have been changes in its symptoms. After which researchers have made changes in the list of symptoms.
Common symptoms of covid-19 include fever, body aches, smelling and loss of taste, chills, breathlessness. Several more studies have found that it should not be taken lightly when patients have pink eyes, gastronomical conditions, and low hearing.
Pink Eyes - According to a study conducted in China, pink eyes or conjunctivitis is a sign of infection. In this, people can cope with redness, swelling or watery problems in the eyes. The study found this symptom in 12 corona-positive patients.
Hearing loss with ears - If you have noticed a ringing sound or any type of hearing loss in recent times, it may be a sign of corona virus.
According to a study published in the International Journal of Audiology, Covid-19 infection can cause hearing problems in the ears. Researchers found in 56 studies that there was an association between covid, hearing-related and ear problems. He estimated data from 24 of the study estimates that hearing loss was 7.6 percent.
Gastrointestinal symptoms- According to the researchers, many stomach complaints such as diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, nausea and pain are symptoms of coronavirus. If you are experiencing any digestive discomfort, you should get yourself tested.