April 25, 2021
COVID-19: Britain Controls the Corona in these Five ways
Britain has been involved in countries where Corona cases have increased rapidly, but now with the efforts of the government and people, the corona has been controlled in Britain. Let's know how Britain overcame the corona epidemic
How Britain escaped from the Havoc of Corona
1. Strict Lockdown
In view of the increasing cases of Corona, Britain announced the lockdown in January itself. At the time when the lockdown was announced in Britain, more than 60 thousand Corona cases were being seen every day, while the number of dead had increased by 20 percent. The effect of the lockdown is that now less than 3 thousand cases are coming up in Britain every day.
2. Difference in Corona Vaccine Dose
In Britain, the vaccination program was launched to defeat Corona. In Britain too, the vaccine crisis began to arise, in view of which the government increased the duration of taking the second dose of vaccine from one month to three months. This solved the situation of supply crisis. With this decision of the government, more and more people got the first dose of Corona Vaccine. So far the first dose of Corona has been given to 63 per cent of the people in Britain
3. Strictness in Hospitals
Dr. Nishit Sood, MD, St. Thomas Hospital, London, told that only patients with serious illness were admitted to the hospital so that patients do not fall in bed. Strict monitoring of things such as giving beds or ventilators to any person caused strictness
4. Strict adherence to the Covid protocol
The government strictly followed the Covid protocol in the country. Heavy fines were imposed for not wearing masks. Even in open spaces, more than six people were banned from standing together. The bar and restaurant were completely banned. Once the positive report came, a ban was imposed on not being tested again, due to which the test kit could not be ruined.
5. Special attention given to investigation
The investigation was tightened after a new Corona strain was found in the country. In the meantime, the investigation of Covid-19 and genome sequencing work was expedited to prevent corona infection. According to Our World in Data, 15.96 tests are being done on every one thousand population in the UK whereas only 1.14 tests are being done in India.
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